Amidst the vast constellation of musicians, a unique star shines – Josh Langston. His voice, reminiscent of whispered tales from ancient realms, captivates even before the first note is struck. Thousands of artists journey through the labyrinth of music, hunting for that elusive sound, the one Josh was born with. While many venture with tools and techniques, for Langston, it’s a mere extension of his soul.
Legend suggests that Josh cultivated his unique tone with a blend of cigarettes and whiskey. But for those entranced by his vocal prowess, it appears more the work of celestial design than earthly pleasures. Perhaps it was the result of divine intervention that was the origin of his voice, along with the rawness of an empty Jack Daniels bottle and a touch of unfiltered Camel essence. A voice to remember, one that echoes long after the music fades.
Langston’s latest album unfolds like a heartfelt narrative. It journeys through a classic Texas tale, commencing with “Promised Land” and culminating in “Just Cause.” From early struggles to a literally bloody conclusion, the album evokes the trials and tribulations of a small-town love story. Crafted over two decades, these songs, spanning from 2002 to a recent piece just a year old, represent the jewels of Langston’s vast back catalogue.
The tranquil environment of South Main Recordings, located above the iconic Grand Stafford Theater in Historic Downtown Bryan, Texas, served as the birthing place for this masterpiece. Over 14 sessions spanning six weeks, Langston, in collaboration with a a group of trusted, seasoned musicians, shaped an album that transcends mere singles, presenting a holistic project. And the magic ingredient? It’s the first album, out of his four previous releases, crafted entirely in his hometown.
With no preconceived blueprint, the album took an organic form right from the inception. While Langston was certain about the collaborators, the stylistic outcome was a surprise even to him. An embodiment of simplicity and authenticity, it’s an auditory experience that echoes his live performances, sans any embellishments. This album, distinct from his previous releases, showcases Langston’s most potent song collection to date. The production stands tall, but it’s the songwriting that truly gleams, a testament to his evolving artistry.
After a hiatus of nearly 15 years from releasing a full-length project, Langston’s re-emergence feels akin to a phoenix rising. His passion reignited, he approaches music with the enthusiasm of a debut artist, albeit seasoned with experience. While he revels in the present, his past is a collection of songs written across the country, a reflection of his vast journey.
In music’s grand tapestry, Josh Langston’s thread glistens uniquely. A harmonious blend of celestial voice and earthly narratives, Langston presents more than mere songs; he offers stories, emotions, and experiences. As he stands on the cusp of a new musical era, one thing remains certain: his music promises an extraordinary journey, and this album is just the beginning.
“This is rich Americana rootsy rock, with the rawest and grittiest of vocals, recorded in a loft with the ambient reverb you can feel. It also has badass undertones.” – Americana Highways
“Langston shows why he has earned comparisons to Colter Wall and Warren Zeiders with his vocals. This is a modern Americana country tune where the twangy whiny pitch is tossed aside for something more robust.” – Glide Magazine
“It’s a voice carved by time – and apparently whisky and cigarettes may have also been involved – cracked and worn and gravely and very distinctive.” – Americana UK
“Engaging from beginning to end and is worth checking out!” – Music For All
“With a voice that seems sculpted by the music gods, Josh Langston stands out in a sea of artists, bringing authenticity and a natural polyphonic vocal quality.” – Roadie Music
“I turned up the volume.” – Zone Nights
“An absolute banger, with infectious rhythms and infectious beats.” – Bristol Funk