The open road is a special place. The wind brushing your hair; the summer sun setting on your lips; and nature appearing limitless around your feet – all conspiring to rejuvenate the body. Singer-songwriter Tai Shan certainly knows that feeling, as she attests with her song “Road Back to Me.” Premiering today, the breezy, road-trippin’ tune infects the eardrums and makes you wiggle in your seat. It shimmers as Shan turns over the melody in her hands, her voice feathered and a little world-weary. But there’s lightness in the way she crafts the lyrics. She knows full well that hitting the highway will do her body good.
“My heart, my home, my who I want to be / My blood, my bones, that girl inside of me!” she wails in the bridge. Guitars thrash around her, flapping in the wind. Written with Bradley Collins and Elizabeth Eckert, the anthem was born out of a conversation around Collins’ recent breakup and subsequent cross-country drive back to Nashville.