The Best Tool To Get Sync Deals is Music Libraries
Music libraries empower musicians to get various sync deals. Moreover, they don’t require connections or prior experience. They act as curated platforms that offer licensing opportunities. For example, ad agencies, YouTubers, videographers, indie filmmakers, and TV show music supervisors. They assist musicians of various genres and levels. For this reason, you should use them to learn the ins and outs of sync. Gain a solid understanding of the necessary administrative work. Then, develop your unique strategies for success.
How well you select the right libraries will determine your success. They cover different genres, licensing deals, and target markets. Start submitting your music, embracing non-exclusive deals initially. Just make sure you follow each library’s submission guidelines. These steps will truly help you pave your way to success.
How to Get Highly Desired Sync Deals
Music libraries license musicians of every genre and every level. For this reason, they make great tools to learn how to license your music. Furthermore, they help you understand how much admin work you’ll have to do.
What Are Music Libraries?
Music libraries curate music and make it available for licensing.
For Example
An indie filmmaker seeks a cool tune for her new western. She checks out her favorite music library to see if it has anything in a similar vein. If she finds a suitable tune, she pays for the license and downloads the audio files.
Which Music Libraries Offer The Best Sync Deals?
For the most part, you don’t know right away. You have to research them first. They are not all the same. Most music libraries, in fact, offer very different opportunities (TV, video games, wedding videos), licensing deals (exclusive, non-exclusive), and music genres.
Some Examples:
- (don’t be thrown off by “royalty free” – they have a licensing wing)
Researching Music Libraries
Be sure to search for music libraries that align well with your music. Evaluate the existing music in those libraries. You will have to determine if your music qualifies or if it conversely can fill a gap.
Then, you’ll want to research what type of licensing deals they offer. To clarify, if you’re just starting out with music licensing, we suggest you stick with non-exclusive deals.
When you do an exclusive deal, that library becomes the sole authority to license your song. If they forget about you or don’t care, you won’t make any money. It’s important to stay open to better licensing opportunities. This allows you to easily transition. You certainly don’t want to be stuck in a bad deal.
When you become more familiar with licensing, you test out exclusive deals. For now, we highly recommend not using them.
Submit, Submit, Submit
Follow the submission guidelines for each music library’s website. They dedicated time to write the guidelines, so you should read and follow them.
As long as you keep these things in mind, you’ll get more sync deals. Good luck!